Cultivating Awareness

Consciousness is one of the great mysteries of life. For centuries the brightest minds in science, medicine, philosophy, and anthropology have debated what it is and why we possess it. That we can perceive, reflect, evaluate, imagine, conclude, and act … Continued

The 4 Crises of the Soul

It’s not unusual for us as thoughtful, conscious, emotional human beings to experience a deep existential crisis of the soul. Some have referred to the phenomenon as “The Dark Night” (St. John of the Cross), others as “The Wall” (Hagberg … Continued

What is Sin?

You don’t have to be Christian or particularly religious to know something is wrong with the world. You only have to turn on the news, switch on the radio, or search for a report online, and you will quickly be … Continued

Me, Myself and I (Part 2)

One of the principal arguments made by deconstructionist philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau is that culture tames nature. Rousseau suggested that societies form culture to restrain human nature and allow for an ordered, civilised, mutually beneficial shared existence. In the absence of … Continued

Religious Trauma and the Sanctuary of Nature

I used to think that religious trauma referred only to the experiences of those who had suffered severe sexual, physical, or emotional abuse at the hands of the clergy. I have since come to realise that it includes my own. … Continued

Do All Lives Matter?

Do all lives matter? No. Obviously not. Should all lives matter? Absolutely. And in an ideal world, all lives would matter. But we don’t live in an ideal world. We live in a broken, fallen, imperfect and deeply damaged world, … Continued

The Secret to True Integrity

Integrity is a virtue that ideally should inform our treatment of one another, whether at home, in business, at work or while pursuing shared goals. Over the years, I have developed what I believe is a helpful framework for understanding … Continued

Me, Myself and I

The gift of self-awareness is one of the greatest we possess, and yet is simultaneously our biggest challenge. It lies at the very heart of the problem in the human condition. I don’t believe that the fundamental issue with humanity … Continued

Anthrotech and Humanology

I’ve mentioned my fascination with the future before, and lately, I have been contemplating the role of technology in that future. For as long as humans have been walking the earth, they have been making use of technology. From the … Continued

I finally took the plunge

Well, I finally decided to take the plunge and enter the blog-o-sphere. I thought it was about time that I created a space to capture some of the thoughts and ideas I have that I think will be most helpful … Continued

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