Discernment Fatigue

I’m teaching on the subject of Christian Spirituality this semester at Alphacrucis University College. I’m also in the process of developing a new unit on Discipleship for the Bachelor and Master of Theology and Ministry degrees. That means for the … Continued

The Pursuit of Happiness

Aristotle was undoubtedly one of the greatest philosophical minds of western civilization. He maintained that happiness is the primary pursuit and ultimate purpose of humankind, the one thing for which there is no greater reason.  By that he meant that … Continued

What’s Wrong With The Evangelical Gospel?

posted in: Church, Faith Life, Theology | 2

I recently wrote about the change the evangelical* church will need to embrace if its going to address its rapid decline in the west and maximise the opportunities presented by this unique cultural moment. Perhaps the most significant change relates … Continued

What is Sin?

You don’t have to be Christian or particularly religious to know something is wrong with the world. You only have to turn on the news, switch on the radio, or search for a report online, and you will quickly be … Continued

The Seven Habits of Highly Annoying Religious People

Jesus was, without a doubt, one of the most influential people in human history and his life, teaching and ministry have significantly changed the world. You don’t have to be a Christian to recognise that. Even the most ardent atheists … Continued

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